Spring Field Trial – Cancelled.

2021 Brandon 1st June trial premium list UPDATE: This Field Trial has been cancelled due to COVID 19 Restrictions.

Training Day

There will be a training day on the Brandon Grounds on May 15th starting at 9:30 at Archies with a pot luck barbecue to follow.  So bring your dogs and what you would like to eat and enjoy a fun day.

Training Day

There will be a training day on the Brandon Grounds on May 15th starting at 9:30 at Archies with a pot luck barbecue to follow.  So bring your dogs and what you would like to eat and enjoy a fun day.

Field Trial

June 2-4 Field Trial Premium and info can be found at https://www.dogshow.ca/en/Events/3840/Brandon-Retriever-Club

Hunt Test

Information can be found here: https://www.dogshow.ca/Events/3841/Brandon-Retriever-Club-HUNT-TESTS

Field Trial

August 19-21 Field Trial Premium and info can be found at https://www.dogshow.ca/en/Events/3842/Brandon-Retriever-Club

Field Trial

Field Trial Premium and info can be found at: https://www.dogshow.ca/en/Events/4857/Brandon-Retriever-Club-FIELD-TRIAL

Hunt Test

Hunt Test information can be found at: https://www.dogshow.ca/en/Events/4858/Brandon-Retriever-Club-HUNT-TEST