The name of the organisation shall be “Brandon Retriever Club” and shall be hereinafter referred to as “the club”.
The purpose of the club shall be to train dogs for hunting purposes, to promote the training of dogs for hunting purposes and to hold licensed retriever field trials.
Sec. 1 Membership in the club shall be restricted to those persons who apply for membership in the Club.
Sec. 2 The club has the right to confer life membership to any deserving member at a general meeting if the motion to confer such life membership is agreed upon by 60% of the members attending. Life members will not be required to pay dues.
Sec. 1 The annual meeting of the club shall be held in the City of Brandon in Manitoba no later than Dec. 15th of each year at such time and place as the directors shall designate. Notice of the holding of such meeting shall be given by a notice in writing mailed to each
member at least two days prior to holding of the meeting.
Sec. 2 Special OR general meetings may be called by the call of the President and shall be called by the officers on written request of five members of the club and notice of such meetings shall be given in the same fashion as with respect to an annual meeting.
Sec. 3 A quorum at any annual, special or general meeting of the club shall not be less than five persons.
Sec. 4 The year-end of the club shall be the thirtieth of September in each year.
Sec. 1 The affairs of the club shall be under the control and direction of a board of directors of not more than eight persons to be chosen at the annual meeting in each year. If at any time there shall be a vacancy in the board of directors the remaining directors may fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.
Sec. 2 At an annual meeting the members shall elect a President, a Vice President, or such Vice-Presidents as the meeting shall determine, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be directors of the club. A Nominating Committee chaired by the President and made up of two other directors appointed by the President, shall be formed prior to the annual meeting to present nominations for the above offices and appropriate number of directors.
Sec. 3 The President shall preside at all meetings and shall be chief executive officer. The senior Vice-President present shall represent the President in the absence of the President or at his request and shall act for the President when required to do so.
Sec. 4 The Secretary shall keep the records, minutes and correspondence pertaining to the club and shall certify the documents issued by the club.
Sec. 5 The Treasurer shall handle all money received and disbursed by the club and shall prepare and present his records for an annual audit by the auditors of the club.
Sec. 6 No officer or director of the club shall receive any remuneration for acting as such.
Sec. 7 Directors’ meetings shall be held quarterly at such time and place as the directors may from time to time designate. Special meetings may be called by the President at any time and shall be called by the officers upon written request of three directors.
Sec. 8 A quorum at any meeting of the directors shall not be less than three persons.
Sec. 9 The First Vice-President shall chair the Grounds Committee and the President, after his election, shall appoint such other members as he shall see fit to said committee at the annual meeting.
Sec. 10 When possible the Immediate Past President shall act as Field Trial Chairman. The President shall appoint the rest of the Field Trial Committee at the annual meeting.
Signing officers shall consist of two signing officers, the President, First Vice-President, or the Secretary, with the Treasurer.
Sec. 1 No member may assign his membership in the club.
Sec. 2 The directors may from time to time make rules and regulations for the operation of the club and may suspend from membership anyone who in the opinion of the majority of the directors has contravened the rules and regulations of the said club.
Sec. 1 Funds received by the club may be disbursed by the directors for the objects of the club in such manner as they see fit.
Sec. 2 The Directors of the club are authorised to borrow moneys or obtain other financial assistance from time to time from such creditors as they may see fit in such amounts as they deem proper and by way of overdraft or otherwise. The Directors may grant securities by way of mortgage, hypothecation, pledge or otherwise covering all or any of the property and assets of the club present and future as security for all or any moneys borrowed by the club and such pledge or other security shall be valid and binding upon the club if signed by the officers authorised to sign negotiable instruments on the club’s behalf.
Sec. 3 Upon dissolution of the corporation, any assets remaining after payment of debts and liabilities shall be transferred and conveyed to the service account of The Manitoba Wildlife Federation Inc. Habitat Trust Fund.
Auditors shall be appointed prior to the annual meeting each year and shall present a report at the annual meeting each year.
The provisions of this agreement may be amended, repealed or added to at any general meeting provided notice of such amendment, repeal or addition thereto shall be given in writing in the notice calling such meeting, provided that 60% of the members attending such general meeting approve the by-law change.
Revised August 26, 1992 President, Barry Chernos, Secretary, Dawne McKenzie Revised August 21, 1999 President, Craig McKinney, Secretary, Dawne McKenzie Revised 2002 Revised November 29, 2017 President Fred Benjaminson, Secretary Dawne McKenzie